Practice IELTS

Exercise - 45

Question: 1 How ....... people are coming?

Correct Answer : 1 [many]

Notes: How many people are coming?

Question: 2 How ....... does the book cost?

Correct Answer : 2 [much]

Notes: How much does the book cost?

Question: 3 Do you need ....... milk for this recipe?

Correct Answer : 3 [much]

Notes: Do you need much milk for this recipe?

Question: 4 I need to practice piano ....... before the concert.

Correct Answer : 4 [a lot]

Notes: I need to practice piano a lot before the concert.

Question: 5 I have ....... of homework to do before tomorrow.

Correct Answer : 5 [a ton]

Notes: I have a ton of homework to do before tomorrow.

Question: 6 How ....... water do you drink every day?

Correct Answer : 6 [much]

Notes: How much water do you drink every day?

Question: 7 You are ....... smart.

Correct Answer : 7 [very]

Notes: You are very smart.

Question: 8 I have ....... of friends.

Correct Answer : 8 [lots]

Notes: I have lots of friends.

Question: 9 You are a ....... honest person.

Correct Answer : 9 [very]

Notes: You are a very honest person.

Question: 10 Do you have ....... ants in your house?

Correct Answer : 10 [many]

Notes: Do you have many ants in your house?

Question: 1 Her latest film ....... its object in a very short space of time, which was to shock.

Correct Answer : 1 [attained]

Notes: Her latest film attained its object in a very short space of time, which was to shock.

Question: 2 The critics ....... to praise the work of this director whatever films he makes.

Correct Answer : 2 [continue]

Notes: The critics continue to praise the work of this director whatever films he makes.

Question: 3 The film was the first to show conditions in which poor people lived and as such was to ....... future directors.

Correct Answer : 3 [influence]

Notes: The film was the first to show conditions in which poor people lived and as such was to influence future directors.

Question: 4 The only reason for them going to the cinema on that day was to find some form of ........

Correct Answer : 4 [entertainment]

Notes: The only reason for them going to the cinema on that day was to find some form of entertainment.

Question: 5 The director's intention in making the film was to try and ....... simplicity as seen by a child.

Correct Answer : 5 [represent]

Notes: The director's intention in making the film was to try and represent simplicity as seen by a child.

Question: 6 The fans outside the cinema on the first showing of the film were unwilling to ....... until all the stars had gone home.

Correct Answer : 6 [disperse]

Notes: The fans outside the cinema on the first showing of the film were unwilling to disperse until all the stars had gone home.

Question: 7 The delay in ....... the film to the general public was because certain scenes were considered tasteless.

Correct Answer : 7 [releasing]

Notes: The delay in releasing the film to the general public was because certain scenes were considered tasteless.

Question: 8 The theme of the second film is quite simply a ....... of the first.

Correct Answer : 8 [continuation]

Notes: The theme of the second film is quite simply a continuation of the first.

Question: 9 In the making of the film the direction is quite ....... from the financing of the project.

Correct Answer : 9 [separate]

Notes: In the making of the film the direction is quite separate from the financing of the project.

Question: 10 Very often someone will give a ....... of a film and when you see it for yourself, it's quite different.

Correct Answer : 10 [description]

Notes: Very often someone will give a description of a film and when you see it for yourself, it's quite different.

Question: 1 Some people who have been made redundant make no further effort to get employment in complete ....... to those who decide to retrain.

Correct Answer : 1 [contrast]

Notes: Some people who have been made redundant make no further effort to get employment in complete contrast to those who decide to retrain.

Question: 2 The new company decided not to copy their predecessors but ....... their structure after the latest trends in business.

Correct Answer : 2 [model]

Notes: The new company decided not to copy their predecessors but model their structure after the latest trends in business.

Question: 3 Under the new regulations no one is allowed to smoke inside the building but you are ....... to smoke outside.

Correct Answer : 3 [permitted]

Notes: Under the new regulations no one is allowed to smoke inside the building but you are permitted to smoke outside.

Question: 4 She is ....... as a possible future first minister.

Correct Answer : 4 [seen]

Notes: She is seen as a possible future first minister.

Question: 5 Although the bank had turned down his application twice, they suddenly had a change of heart and decided to ....... to his request for a loan.

Correct Answer : 5 [accede]

Notes: Although the bank had turned down his application twice, they suddenly had a change of heart and decided to accede to his request for a loan.

Question: 6 It's not yet been fully certified yet but the recently discovered bones are ....... to be those of the missing link.

Correct Answer : 6 [believed]

Notes: It's not yet been fully certified yet but the recently discovered bones are believed to be those of the missing link.

Question: 7 The ....... over the rights and wrongs of this issue has been a never- ending discussion inside parliament.

Correct Answer : 7 [debate]

Notes: The debate over the rights and wrongs of this issue has been a never- ending discussion inside parliament.

Question: 8 The local residents in this seaside village are very worried about the constant erosion of the cliff face, which is in ....... of falling into the sea.

Correct Answer : 8 [danger]

Notes: The local residents in this seaside village are very worried about the constant erosion of the cliff face, which is in danger of falling into the sea.

Question: 9 I think you have been overcharged for that work because it's more ....... twice what I had to pay.

Correct Answer : 9 [than]

Notes: I think you have been overcharged for that work because it's more than twice what I had to pay.

Question: 10 They first of all refused to stop their strike but in the end after much negotiation they were ....... to go back to work.

Correct Answer : 10 [persuaded]

Notes: They first of all refused to stop their strike but in the end after much negotiation they were persuaded to go back to work.