Practice IELTS

Exercise - 38

Question: 1 My desk is a ....... , I should clean it.

Correct Answer : 1 [mess]

Notes: My desk is a mess, I should clean it.

Question: 2 Valerie spilled water ....... my paperwork.

Correct Answer : 2 [on]

Notes: Valerie spilled water on my paperwork.

Question: 3 Will you please take ....... the trash?

Correct Answer : 3 [out]

Notes: Will you please take out the trash?

Question: 4 I like pencils ....... than pens.

Correct Answer : 4 [better]

Notes: I like pencils better than pens.

Question: 5 My old job was ....... than this one.

Correct Answer : 5 [easier]

Notes: My old job was easier than this one.

Question: 6 Tom works the ....... of anyone.

Correct Answer : 6 [hardest]

Notes: Tom works the hardest of anyone.

Question: 7 This is the ....... assignment I have ever had.

Correct Answer : 7 [most difficult]

Notes: This is the most difficult assignment I have ever had.

Question: 8 My boss is very ........

Correct Answer : 8 [nice]

Notes: My boss is very nice.

Question: 9 Do you walk ....... take the bus to work?

Correct Answer : 9 [or]

Notes: Do you walk or take the bus to work?

Question: 10 The janitor cleans the office ....... night.

Correct Answer : 10 [every]

Notes: The janitor cleans the office every night.

Question: 1 It's no good worrying about that now because the damage is done and it's no good crying over spilled ........

Correct Answer : 1 [milk]

Notes: It's no good worrying about that now because the damage is done and it's no good crying over spilled milk.

Question: 2 It really is a crying ....... that after all that money has been spent, the project is now being abandoned.

Correct Answer : 2 [shame]

Notes: It really is a crying shame that after all that money has been spent, the project is now being abandoned.

Question: 3 As a child she would burst into tears at every problem and so she soon got known as a regular ....... at school.

Correct Answer : 3 [crybaby]

Notes: As a child she would burst into tears at every problem and so she soon got known as a regular crybaby at school.

Question: 4 It really was a large and spacious garden but it cried out ....... something colourful to be planted.

Correct Answer : 4 [for]

Notes: It really was a large and spacious garden but it cried out for something colourful to be planted.

Question: 5 We had great hopes of being able to invite the distinguished writer to our meeting but he cried ....... at the last moment.

Correct Answer : 5 [off]

Notes: We had great hopes of being able to invite the distinguished writer to our meeting but he cried off at the last moment.

Question: 6 For crying out ....... how many times do I have to tell you how to work that machine?

Correct Answer : 6 [loud]

Notes: For crying out loud how many times do I have to tell you how to work that machine?

Question: 7 I'm all in favour of ambition but I think when he says he'll be a millionaire by the time he's 25, he's simply crying for the ........

Correct Answer : 7 [moon]

Notes: I'm all in favour of ambition but I think when he says he'll be a millionaire by the time he's 25, he's simply crying for the moon.

Question: 8 The trouble is that he's cried ....... so often that now he's in real trouble, nobody believes him.

Correct Answer : 8 [wolf]

Notes: The trouble is that he's cried wolf so often that now he's in real trouble, nobody believes him.

Question: 9 George is now 70 and he reckons that working conditions for the average office clerk today are a ....... cry from when he first started work.

Correct Answer : 9 [far]

Notes: George is now 70 and he reckons that working conditions for the average office clerk today are a far cry from when he first started work.

Question: 10 There was a noisy crowd of about a dozen people in ....... cry chasing after the child who'd stolen an apple from the fruit market.

Correct Answer : 10 [full]

Notes: There was a noisy crowd of about a dozen people in full cry chasing after the child who'd stolen an apple from the fruit market.

Question: 1 It's very hard trying to get the tenses right in English. In fact it's the ....... devil to know whether it's simple or continuous.

Correct Answer : 1 [very]

Notes: It's very hard trying to get the tenses right in English. In fact it's the very devil to know whether it's simple or continuous.

Question: 2 In a way it's probably just as well the deputy has become the new chief. It's a case of ....... the devil you know.

Correct Answer : 2 [better]

Notes: In a way it's probably just as well the deputy has become the new chief. It's a case of better the devil you know.

Question: 3 Many people have been made redundant in the takeover and those who joined last were the first to go. The principle of devil take the ....... applied.

Correct Answer : 3 [hindmost]

Notes: Many people have been made redundant in the takeover and those who joined last were the first to go. The principle of devil take the hindmost applied.

Question: 4 We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his ........

Correct Answer : 4 [due]

Notes: We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his due.

Question: 5 The work has to be done as we have no choice. As they say, needs must when the devil ........

Correct Answer : 5 [drives]

Notes: The work has to be done as we have no choice. As they say, needs must when the devil drives.

Question: 6 She likes to take the opposite point of view and play the devil's ........

Correct Answer : 6 [advocate]

Notes: She likes to take the opposite point of view and play the devil's advocate.

Question: 8 When your parents find out what you've done, you'll be in serious trouble and there'll be the devil to ........

Correct Answer : 8 [pay]

Notes: When your parents find out what you've done, you'll be in serious trouble and there'll be the devil to pay.

Question: 9 You should really look through that agreement carefully before you sign because the devil is in the ........

Correct Answer : 9 [detail]

Notes: You should really look through that agreement carefully before you sign because the devil is in the detail.

Question: 10 It took me ages to set up my computer because I spent the devil of a ....... trying to understand the notes.

Correct Answer : 10 [time]

Notes: It took me ages to set up my computer because I spent the devil of a time trying to understand the notes.