Practice IELTS

Exercise - 221

Question: 1 Some people always like to agree with everyone because they can always see the other person's ....... of view.

Correct Answer : 1 [point]

Notes: Some people always like to agree with everyone because they can always see the other person's point of view.

Question: 2 For them it's very difficult to decide and make their ....... up at times like general elections.

Correct Answer : 2 [minds]

Notes: For them it's very difficult to decide and make their minds up at times like general elections.

Question: 3 They listen to one speaker and then to another and they never know who to ....... for when the election time comes around.

Correct Answer : 3 [vote]

Notes: They listen to one speaker and then to another and they never know who to vote for when the election time comes around.

Question: 4 The difficulty is that they always agree with the person they've last listened to and for them that is a real ........

Correct Answer : 4 [difficulty]

Notes: The difficulty is that they always agree with the person they've last listened to and for them that is a real difficulty.

Question: 5 You see, they watch one political party on TV and believe they are reasonable and talk ....... but then they watch another party and they seem reasonable, too.

Correct Answer : 5 [sensibly]

Notes: You see, they watch one political party on TV and believe they are reasonable and talk sensibly but then they watch another party and they seem reasonable, too.

Question: 6 We have a word for these people and call them ....... voters because their views are always in the air.

Correct Answer : 6 [floating]

Notes: We have a word for these people and call them floating voters because their views are always in the air.

Question: 7 Of course once you are inside the building where you have to put your cross against the name of the candidate you choose, there is no time to ....... or hesitate.

Correct Answer : 7 [dither]

Notes: Of course once you are inside the building where you have to put your cross against the name of the candidate you choose, there is no time to dither or hesitate.

Question: 8 Sometimes the politicians we elect, all have to agree and make very serious decisions as it could be a matter of ....... or death.

Correct Answer : 8 [life]

Notes: Sometimes the politicians we elect, all have to agree and make very serious decisions as it could be a matter of life or death.

Question: 9 Fortunately for most of us such a situation doesn't happen often and so the problem doesn't ........

Correct Answer : 9 [arise]

Notes: Fortunately for most of us such a situation doesn't happen often and so the problem doesn't arise.

Question: 10 Probably the easiest solution if you can't agree on one thing or another is to ....... a coin in the air and see which side it lands on.

Correct Answer : 10 [throw]

Notes: Probably the easiest solution if you can't agree on one thing or another is to throw a coin in the air and see which side it lands on.